Ohana Wellness Clinic – Check out their amazing maternal wellness services!

Ohana Wellness Clinic

Ohana Wellness Clinic is located in Bloor West Village in Toronto and offers tons of wellness services for moms and moms-to-be! They have a comprehensive list of offerings including things like infant massage workshops and services like chiropractic, psychotherapy, physiotherapy, naturotherapy, acupuncture, and massage. It is truly a clinic that promotes wellness for your whole body.  Read on to find out more about the maternal wellness services offered. 

Offerings for Moms and Moms to Be

Pregnancy Massages

Pregnancy massages decrease cramps, stress, pain, and fluid retention. They help to make you feel better, boost your immune system, and improve your circulation. The highly trained staff at Ohana Wellness Clinic have training specific to prenatal and postnatal women, so you’re in good hands when you step in their doors for a day of relaxation! 

There are a lot of ways that pregnancy massages differ from standard massages, so it’s important to make sure that while you’re pregnant you’re going somewhere that knows what they’re doing so that they don’t cause more pain. You should always be comfortable and in later stages of pregnancy, your blood pressure should be monitored. Luckily, many of the RMTs at Ohana are trained and worked through Trimesters Masters Therapy Education! 

Acupuncture for Pregnancy

Are you dealing with things like hypertension, heartburn, insomnia, nausea, or constipation due to your pregnancy? If you’re tired of your back hurting, maybe it’s time to try acupuncture! There are so many benefits to utilizing acupuncture while pregnant. It assists with all of the above conditions and then some! 

Acupuncture to Prepare for Labor 

Acupuncture in preparation for labor is something that starts at 36 weeks and goes until birth. It helps to prepare your body to give birth naturally by increasing blood flow, reducing anxiety, reducing the chances of labour intervention. It even promotes cervical ripening. 

Acupuncture for Induction 

If it’s time for you to have your baby or they’re running late with no indication that they’re coming any time soon, maybe it’s time to give acupuncture a try! 

At 40 weeks, you can try labour induction acupuncture to help your body ease into labour naturally. Ohana Wellness can come to your home or make a visit to the hospital. Whatever you need, they’re there! 

Postpartum Acupuncture and TCM 

If you had a tough labour or just don’t feel like yourself after giving birth, acupuncture and TCM can be a great solution. Things like depression, night sweats, acute mastitis, bell’s palsy, and even breast feeding concerns can be addressed. 

Postpartum Massage 

There’s no better way to get back to feeling relaxed than a massage. Postpartum massages are so beneficial because they assist with alleviating all of the pain your body feels from giving birth and breastfeeding. And yes, you can even come in if you’ve had a C-section! They’re happy to accommodate you and they have specific modifications already in place for C-section patients. 

Ohana Wellness Clinic for Postpartum and Prepartum Mothers 

Ohana Wellness Clinic is a great option for any mother who is looking for a space to take care of herself. They offer many services to take care of the mind and body, promoting healing both inside and out. 


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