4 Reasons To Check Out Snuggle Bugz For Everything Baby!

Snuggle Bugz - newborn sleeping on bed while pet cat looks on

Top 4 Reasons to Shop at Snuggle Bugz for Your Baby Supplies  

Snuggle Bugz has captivated the hearts of many parents across Canada and has grown from a single store to a chain of retail locations serving the community as a result. They offer a huge selection of items, friendly staff, and provide a safe space for new parents to ask questions and get support. 

There are so many great reasons to choose Snuggle Bugz for all of your baby care needs! I have personally bought strollers, carseats and so much more from here!  Check out 4 great reasons to check this store out if you are expecting, have small children or are even looking for a baby shower gift!

1. Snuggle Bugz Carries a Diverse Selection 

Snuggle Bugz is a one-stop solution for everything parents need for their little ones! 

Whether you’re on the hunt for adorable baby clothes, a brand new fancy stroller, or even nursing equipment, Snuggle Bugz has it all. They have so many different brands to choose from and so many different options for each item, but don’t worry! Their knowledgeable staff is ready to answer any questions you may have, which I know can be a relief for many new parents trying to navigate the chaos that is baby supplies!

Cat peeking over sleeping baby

2. Looking for the Best Deal in Canada? Look No Further! 

Snuggle Bugz guarantees to sell its products at the lowest price among its Canadian competitors. 

They offer price matching for items that are on sale and sell regularly priced items at a discount of 10% less than anyone else. This means that if you are ever somewhere else and see an item you want that is cheaper than it is at Snuggle Bugz, they’ll make sure you leave with the item in hand at a better rate than what the competitor could’ve given you! 

For more information on their policies regarding price matching, visit their website here.

close up of baby feet in moms hands

3. Snuggle Bugz Baby Registry Program is Easy to Use 

With the Snuggle Bugz baby registry program, you get an opportunity to plan your little one’s arrival in the most hassle-free way possible. 

To make it even easier, they’ve come up with a checklist of baby essentials that you can use to create your own registry. This ensures that you do not leave out something important. You can either choose to keep the registry private or share it with friends and family, the choice is up to you! 

Newborn family portrait on couch with pet dog

4. Their Loyalty Program Proves their Loyalty to their Customers

There’s nothing better than earning rewards points for things you’d have to buy anyway! 

Any Canadian citizen who is 14 years or above can become a member of the Snuggle Bugz in-store loyalty program. It’s completely free and for every dollar you spend, you receive 4 baby love rewards points. You can use these points to get money taken off of your purchases in the future.

The full rules and regulations can be found here.

Toronto newborn family portrait with smiling newborn and pet dog

Snuggle Bugz is the Place to Be for Moms-to-Be!

Snuggle Bugz has everything you need, whether you’re looking for a box of diapers or for someone that you can ask questions. The community that they’ve created has spread throughout Canada but in every single location, they foster a sense of home and the same small family-owned store feel.

Parents holding newborn daughter

Thanks for checking out his post! If you found this post helpful, check out some more below!

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Macklem’s Baby Carriage & Toys: 4 Reasons why I love shopping here for my baby gear!

West Coast Kids:  4 Reasons to Shop Here for your Baby Supplies!



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